Thursday, March 12, 2015

How do you empower your leaders?

How much does it matter to have engaged, empowered, enthusiastic employees? Sometimes it can make the difference between success and failure. It's not about people who are good at what they do, but people you can trust. As an employer it’s important to have the vision, and it's up to your employees to buy in to become a successful company. Trust comes into play when individual team members believe in that challenge and put their skills to use to meet it.

So, how do you create empowered employees?

1. Make sure they care about what you care about.
Hire people who can buy into your vision

2. Make the path to advancement clear.
If someone does their work well, will they be able to move up within your company? And if not, will you help them move on to a better job someplace else? Giving employees a career path is especially important in a small or startup company where they must regularly pitch in and do work that falls outside their traditional job descriptions.

3. Challenge them.
Give your employees an opportunity to expand their skill set, this will help your company too.

4. Tell them how they'll be measured.
You can’t become better unless you’re being measured. Have a conversation about what your employee’s responsibilities are and how they will be evaluated.

5. Get out of their way.
If you trust your employee enough to give them a certain role give them the opportunity to fulfill that role. Give your employees general goals and let them figure out how to reach them.

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